Magnetic rectangular Geocache Container - 10 x 5

Magnetische rechthoekige Geocache Container - 10 x 5
Magnetic rectangular Geocache Container - 10 x 5
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Magnetic rectangular Geocache Container Heavy-duty non-rusting, jumbo size plastic box measuring appr 10 x 5 cm, 1,8 cm thick. The dual magnetic system is made to hold. Inside dimensions...

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€ 6,95 *
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Magnetic rectangular Geocache Container

Heavy-duty non-rusting, jumbo size plastic box measuring appr 10 x 5 cm, 1,8 cm thick. The dual magnetic system is made to hold. Inside dimensions are 8 x 3,7 cm. Very well known for making great geocaching containers in awkward places!

The logbookje 35x50 mm fits perfectly in this container.
It already has a Geocache sticker on the front and the Geocaching logo on the back.

Magnetic Geocache container, rectangle

Magnetic Geocache container, rectangle




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Pyrofoor de Amsterdam BV philipsen - 22-01-2018 18:47

als je hem ergens boven op zet dan is ie niet waterdicht.

Update Geodox: Deze container kun je inderdaad het beste ergens onder hangen (en met de opening naar onderen). Daarmee blijft de inhoud beter droog.

Thomas Weber - 19-11-2015 16:00

Der Behälter an sich ist wirklich klasse, nur leider doch nicht zu 100 % Wetterfest. Bei entsprechendem Regen kommt doch Wasser in die Box und das Logbuch saugt sich entsprechend voll.

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